Ambiera RocketCake 5.5 Professional

A free WYSIWYG website builder software for creating responsive websites

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Ambiera RocketCake is a free WYSIWYG website builder software for creating responsive websites ➤ Download Now!

Ambiera RocketCake is a user-friendly website builder software that enables anyone to create responsive and professional websites without any coding skills. Users can easily drag and drop elements and customize them according to their preferences, making the process of building websites fun and stress-free. For beginners and professional web developers.

Ambiera RocketCake Main features and benefits:

  • Responsive design. RocketCake ensures that websites built with it are mobile-friendly and compatible with different screen sizes and resolutions.
  • WYSIWYG editor. With the “What You See Is What You Get” editor, users can see exactly how their website will look before publishing it.
  • SEO-friendly. RocketCake provides built-in SEO optimization tools that help users optimize their website’s content for search engines.
  • Cross-browser compatibility. Websites built with RocketCake are compatible with different web browsers, ensuring a smooth user experience for everyone.
  • Customizable templates. Users can choose from a wide range of customizable templates to kickstart their website-building process.

This website builder software enables users to create professional-looking websites without any coding skills. With its user-friendly interface and customizable templates, the program offers a stress-free and enjoyable website-building experience.

The Ultimate Website Builder

If you’re looking for a website builder that offers a plethora of features and benefits, Ambiera RocketCake is the perfect solution for you. With its sleek and intuitive design, it is the ultimate website builder that takes your website creation experience to a whole new level.

Easy Drag-and-Drop Interface

This Ambiera program offers an easy drag-and-drop interface that allows you to easily add and arrange content on your pages. You can customize every aspect of your website, from the layout and fonts to the colors and images.

Built-in Code Editor

One of the standout features is the built-in code editor. This allows you to easily edit the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript of your website, giving you full control over your website’s functionality and design. You can also add your scripts and code snippets to enhance your website’s functionality even further.

Responsive Design

Ambiera RocketCake ensures that your website looks great on all devices, whether it’s a desktop, tablet, or mobile phone. With its responsive design, it makes sure that your website is easily accessible to everyone.

No Coding Skills Required

Ambiera RocketCake allows you to create beautiful websites that look professional without needing any coding skills. This saves you time and money, as you won’t need to hire a developer or spend hours learning how to code. The program also offers a free plan, so you can try out the platform without any commitment.

Target Audience

Ambiera RocketCake is perfect for small business owners, bloggers, and anyone who wants to create a website quickly and easily. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features make it a great choice for anyone who wants to build a website without the hassle.


In conclusion, if you’re looking for an easy-to-use website builder that offers powerful features and benefits, then look no further than Ambiera RocketCake. Try it out for yourself and see how it can help you create the website of your dreams.

Changes in Ambiera RocketCake 5.5 :

Carousel Component

  • There is now a new component named “Carousel” available in the editor. Also known as sliders, carousels let you display text, graphics, and images, by animated automatic or manual horizontal scrolling. It has built-in and configurable navigation buttons and page indicators. You can even use the carousel as an advanced slide show by placing an image onto it and adjusting its size just as you like.

Enhanced slideshows

  • Slideshows now also have the option to show integrated navigation buttons and page indicators. Also, they now horizontally center the images automatically when the mode is set to “Fit height”. The size of fixed aspect ratio slideshows can now be dragged more easily by dragging the edge point.

New and improved templates

  • There is now a new free website template included in the editor: “Wealthy company”, and some of the existing built-in templates have been improved

Automatic browser cache invalidation

  • RocketCake now forces Chrome to automatically reload external CSS files when they have been changed.
  • Previously, when you made changes to the design, chrome would sometimes aggressively cache the CSS file and show the styles of a previous design, causing your website to show up wrongly sometimes during development.
  • RocketCake now links external CSS files using a hash field so that Chrome is forced to reload the file in that case.

Lots of other improvements:

  • Added support for the Samsung Galaxy S24 and Google Pixel 8
  • Added two new built-in modern font family stacks which work nicely on all browsers on all devices:
    • “Neo-Grotesque” (Inter, Roboto, Helvetica Neue, Arial Nova, Nimbus Sans, Arial, sans-serif)
    • “Antique” (Superclarendon, Bookman Old Style, URW Bookman, URW Bookman L, Georgia Pro, Georgia, serif)
  • The contact form and the contact form with anti-spam components now send their content using UTF-8
  • The font size of webform elements date picker, text field, combo box, and button now can also be changed using break points.
  • Fixed a problem when using HDPI displays causing cursor positions of some characters not to be exact
  • Breakpoints now also work nicely for all extension components when using external CSS files
  • The marked text color now adjusts itself a bit more to be more visible for gray text
  • Fixed aspect ratio elements now use the CSS style “aspect-ratio” since it is now supported by all current browsers. The fallback for old browsers without support for this is nicely looking as well.
  • Fixed a crash when editing imported WebsitePainter documents
  • Lots of small improvements everywhere

Supported Operating Systems:

  • Windows 10, 11
  • macOS 10.9 or later
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